Notice the awesome tempura! We tempura fried shrimp and asparagus. Some of the shrimp ended up in rolls. We also bought fantastic tuna at the farmer's market, as well as asparagus (raw in the rolls), avocado and cucumbers, as well as sesame seeds to roll outside the rice. The real coup was the farm fresh cream cheese we bought. I never knew what a difference there was between the real deal and what you get in the grocery store. There is no comparison. And it was only $1.50 for a huge brick!
The green plates are Tom's, but the black are all mine. I finally got to break open the awesome sushi set that my Mom bought me for a Christmas long ago. The second time we made sushi, Lynn was able to join us, which was really just an excuse to make more food.
This time we did tuna and salmon. For some reason, Lynn is a freak who doesn't like shrimp. For shame, woman, for shame. Still, everything was fantastic. We've also learned a lot about how to make the rice and cut the fish, as well as some fun facts about sushi etiquette. How about an action shot?