Friday, November 2, 2007


Y'all probably don't want to here about depression, but as you may be able to tell from the last post, I am pretty darn depressed. To boot, I found out last night that a friend lost her special kitty too.

Sparkle was really my best friend, and a great companion. It's hard to come home and not see her jumping out of her chair to greet me, hard to wake up in the morning and not hear her talking to me, and hard to go to sleep at night without her beside me. Even watching a movie sucks, because she's not in my lap purring. All of this is made worse by me being in Atlanta, where I have exactly one friend (I don't count my coworkers, neighbor or bartender as actual friends). I am entirely alone now, and the lonliness is crushing me. I just don't know how to be at home without her.

Next weekend I'll be headed back to Austin for a wedding. I don't think being at home right now is a good idea, as my parents house is full of nothing but places that Sparkle and I lived in together, but it's not like that's a reason to miss a friend's wedding. Sad, sad me.

1 comment:

jackpot said...

Booboo come visit the city!