Monday, September 29, 2008

Ham on Rye

I want to thank everyone for sending me various links to stories about MR's recent triumph at the Venice Film Festival. I am very proud of y'all for paying attention; you know what I like!

I'm also proud of Mickey these days. Not only is he the lead of the Golden Lion winning The Wrestler, but he also has a supporting role in the upcoming film The Informers, which is based on the novel of the same title by one of my favorite authors, Brett Easton Ellis. The male lead in that one is Billy Bob Thorton AND it also stars Chris Isaak. How could you possibly go wrong?

There is no trailer out yet for, but here is a clip of an interview with Mickey and director Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, just so you can see how scary he is looking these days. That's a triple bagger if I ever saw one.

And because it is out, here's the trailer for The Informers. I think I might approve of any use of "Blue Monday". Also, Winona Ryder's in it.

Is that Brad Renfro's last film?

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