After reading the first Easy Rawlins mystery (
Devil in a Blue Dress) and the last (
Blonde Faith) in 2008, I've decided to go back and read through all of the Rawlins novels.
A Red Death and
White Butterfly are the second and third in that series, and neither disappoints.
As you'd expect from Mosely, both novels involve a crime that Easy gets pulled in against his will by a government agent; the IRS/FBI in the former and the LAPD in the later. While putting together the pieces that the cops, white and black alike, can not, Easy drinks, smokes, loves a woman or two and most importantly, associates with the deadly Mouse, his best and most dangerous friend.
In ARD, Easy is forced to spy on a suspected Communist organize to avoid prosecution by the IRS. Since the days of DIABD Easy has invested his ill-gotten gains in property all over Watts, and the IRS is both rightfully suspicious and racially motivated to prosecute. In a deal with the FBI, Easy agrees to go under cover at a black church and investigate the organizer. In his personal life, Easy is happy and frightened to find that EttaMae, wife to his friend Mouse and his own lost love, arrive in Los Angeles after leaving Mouse and taking his son, the deliciously names LaMarque.
In WB, Easy has found a wife and had a daughter; he is also acting as father to Juan, the abused and mute young boy that he saved in DIABD. This time around there is a serial killer lose in Watts, focusing on young, black party girls, and the LAPD comes to Easy for help in asking around the black clubs that the victims frequent.
Both books follow a similar pattern: Easy gets involved; Easy gets drunk; easy gets his heart broken; with Mouse, Easy finds the bad guy and either they, or the cops, put him away for good. What makes the books special within the series is the continued progression of Easy as a character; he moves right along in his development with black America.
In both books, Easy is hesitant to get involved in the case not only because he is being strong armed, but also because he doesn't want to get involved. In WB, Easy only agrees to join the case after a white woman is killed, and he feels the guilt of not helping his community until a woman of another color died. And in ARD Easy's eyes are opened by the organizer and he learns that there is more to know about the government that hating it; without knowledge of the world and the system, he can never successfully fight it.
As essential in these books is the development of Easy as a man in relationship to women. In DIABD, Easy sleeps with close friend's woman while his friend is passed out in the next room. This is not the man that you meet in last year's
Blonde Faith. The later Easy doesn't drink, or cheat or avoid his responsibilities to black folks or Watts. In ARD and WB, Easy is learning how to be a man. The Easy of WB starts off as someone who laughs when his wife accuses him of rape, because he doesn't believe that a man can do that to his wife and that when she says "No", she really means "Yes". By the end of WB, that Easy no longer exists. It's not just that he's been hurt, but that he now sees women as more than possessions and outlets for lust.
Despite his flaws (misogyny, drunkenness, and an irresponsibility toward his own children that borders on the criminal), Easy is intensely lovable, as is the evil Mouse. I'd be hard pressed to think of another more compelling duo in modern literature, particularly since the kind of business that Easy and Mouse get up too, whoring, drinking and violence, is so close to my own heart. Beyond that, Mosely's style is irresistible. It's a gumbo of street slang from various eras, country talk (as most of Watts' residents are transplants from Texas or the Deep South), and brilliant insight. There is also plenty of sex and, as I've mentioned on this blog before, Mosely's sex scenes are intense and sweaty and oftentimes the best parts of the books. It is no wonder that in 2008 Mosley also released an erotic novel.
To put it briefly, the Easy Rawlins novels are
worth your time. They are carefully crafted, intelligent, sexy and compelling and unlike many likable series of detective fiction, the plot of each book is important in the sense that Mosely fits it into a larger period of American history. Spanning two decades in Watts, these books are miniature histories of American blackness. And baby, they are beautiful.